


The paintings of Marco Monaldi have taken form during his childhood, within a life experience made up of dreams and incredible stories, in a highly dynamic emotional atmosphere, often lived in solitude and in a natural background where mother-Earth allows us to listen to the whispers of her multifaceted expressions. This condition represented the foundations of his inspiration, that once transcended, has given source to his artistic work. The creative drive of feeling, has in this way, materialized in his “creations”. Drawing represented the first means to follow his vocation, and precisely for this reason in the year 2000, Marco at the age of 25, decides to move to one of the most enchanting cities of the world. Florence and the Academy of Fine Arts have been of great importance for him. He was fortunate indeed to encounter his maestro Viviana Cosci, an art professor who has taken him under her wings forcing him to start from scratch. He learns how to use the pencil and the basics of drawing, the renaissance sketching, that will later constitute the foundations of his painting.

The experience gained in Florence was very academic and classical. This aspect is imprinted in Marco’s artwork since being surrounded by the renaissance aesthetics of the greatest masters of the past such as Michelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello, Giambologna, Cellini, Pontormo, Masaccio, Botticelli and during his trips to Rome, he was able to appreciate the greatness of Caravaggio, Bernini and many others.

Once finished the Academy of Fine Arts in 2005, Marco returns to his hometown.

Marco traveled to many places in Italy and abroad, visiting many art fairs, museums, national and international exhibits in the years between 2006 and 2013, and therefore had the opportunity to see with his own eyes the masterpieces of the Renaissance artists and the genius innovators of contemporary modern art. In France, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, Boston, Vietnam and of course Italy. All that he has seen, has deeply influenced his paintings, but nevertheless Marco Monaldi has never lost touch with his personal aesthetic sense and classical art training. In these years, he enters in the art market participating in both individual and collective exhibits and also has his own art gallery of reference.

Not satisfied of the prospects in Europe, he decides to move to Brasil in 2014, and precisely in the north-east city of Olinda and then later on in Recife. He enriches his professional background with new shows and making important connections within the Brazilian art scene, and also works as a gallery manager and curator of important exhibits. Due to family reasons, this period must come to an end.

He returns to Italy in 2016, fulfilled of this new experience and resumes with enthusiasm his artistic production and projects.

In November 2018 Monaldi opens his own studio / exhibition space called New Spazio M-Arte, where he works, teaches and exhibits his works.

In December 2019 he takes the Critics Award, at the Michelangelo Buonarroti International Award, city of Seravezza.

In February 2021 he attended the Master in Digital Painting at the Genius Academy in Rome, and deepened his study of digital painting, with artists of great caliber, winning the First Prize at the Giovanni Pace Literary Competition in the Illustration section.

The base of the works of Marco Monaldi mainly consist of oil canvas paintings, both in white/black and in color. His technique mainly focuses on detail, that is closer to a realistic but not hyperrealistic style. His paintings are inspired by the important artists of the past whether his themes are related to angels, very dear to him or others such as flowers and still life, all distinguished by his very personal touch. The well made strong plastic lines and forms give life to a tridimensional perspective to the subject. Marco Monaldi goes beyond simple technique, because his use of white and black tones are extremely symbolic, the contrast of light and shadow, the large dimensions, a geometrical construction of space and a precise and detailed painting, all give a touch of a monumental and strong visual impact. His world is of symbolic, dreamlike, spiritual, transcendental nature. Furthermore his style is enriched by his strong bond with the oriental philosophies.

In the last year, thanks to a profound stylistic reflection, he has radically changed his artistic work, without ever moving away from the figurative, but making it more contemporary. He makes use of the use of many different materials and techniques that lead him to the creation of suggestive and profound works.

In January 2022 she undergoes a profound stylistic change, the result of two years of reflections and technical attempts. This need prompted him to turn his attention to the use of new materials, and new means of communication, without ever neglecting tradition. All this will lead to a solo exhibition entitled "Broken Humanity".

At the same time, thanks to his knowledge of digital painting, and after an in-depth study of NFT Art, I develop a digital art project specially created for this world. My project is called "ECHOS"

From 2005 to today, Marco Monaldi participates in more than 30 exhibitions in Italy and abroad.



May 2024, "Irreversible Michelangiolism", conversation through the centuries, Adolfo De Carolis-Marco Monaldi, Polo Museale San Francesco, Montefiore dell'Aso. curated by Loredana Finicelli, with collaboration of Stefano Papetti.

Genuary 2023 "Broken Humanity" Marco Monaldi Studio-Gallery curated by Loredana Finicelli, with collaboration of Marino Capretti e Simonetta Simonetti

 April 2018 “ Behond Man” Contemporary Marche Art Corridonia, curated by Loredana Finicelli.

November 2015 “SILENTIUM” MoMa Galeria de arte (Recife, Brazil).

May 2015 “SILENTIUM” Cidade 32 Gallery (Olinda, Brazil). Curated by Raul Còrdula.

November 2013 “SILENTIUM. Oltre l’uomo” Hotel Art Via Margutta (Rome, Italy). Curated by Loredana Finicelli.

June 2013 “De Humana Natura” Galleria Puccini (Ancona, Italy). Curated by Serafino Caggiano and Loredana Finicelli.

May 2013 “Il senso di Marco Monaldi” (Civitanova Marche, Italy). Curated by Natalia Tessitore and Roberta Fonsato.

December 2009 “Realtà o non Realtà” (Fermo, Italy). Curated by Loredana Finicelli and Paolo Mario Galassi

October 2009 “Realtà o non Realtà”(Loreto, Italy).Curated by Loredana Finicelli and Paolo Mario Galassi.

July 2009 “Veregra Street Festival” (Montegranaro, Italy). Curated by the Cultural Association “Il Sole delle Marche”.

October 2008 “ Fuori dal Buio” Galleria Fanelli by Artsinergy (Aprilia, Italy). Curated by Gianluca Marziani

January 2008 “Sfiorando l’Orizzonte” Cultural Association Officina San Giacomo, Hotel San Giacomo Monteprandone (Ascoli Piceno, Italy). Curated by Cristina Petrelli and Nazzareno Luciani


Ganuary 2024 "Chromatic Vibrations" Cremona Solis Gallery

July 2023, Hamptons Art Fair, NYC, Makowski Gallery

June 2023, "Il Mito, La Memoria", curated by Loredana Finicelli, Corridonia

April 2023 "Art Weekend" Makowski Gallery, Berlin

June 2022 "Umano Corpo", curated by Loredana Finicelli, Corridonia
July 2021 "Percorsi D'arte", Civitanova Alta

Agost 2020 “Midsummer Party”, New Spazio M-Arte, Altidona

Agost 2020 “Art under the stars” curated by Lucia Spagnuolo, Civitanova Marche

November 2019 “Premio Michelangelo Buonarroti” Palazzo Mediceo, Seravezza a curated by Barbara Benedetti. Takes the critics award.

May 2019, “Disabil-art”, Officina delle Arti , curated by Loredana Finicelli

Jenuary 2019, "Luce", Art-Ottica Gallery curated by Loredana Finicelli and Paola Zucchini

Agost 2018 “Medioevo’s colors” Officina delle arti Corridonia Curated by Loredana Finicelli, Marianna Neri e Marco Corrias

Agost 2018 “ Paradoxa” Giovarti Center Centobuchi di Monteprandone Curated by Nazareno Luciani

September 2017 “Scores at the Sea” ArtoOttica Gallery (Porto Potenza Picena, Italy) Curated by Mauro Mazziero.

July 2017 “First contest of extemporaneous painting” (Petritoli, Italy) curated by Giovanni Mandolesi.

June 2017 “The other Renaissance” Genius and counter-current beauty, (Church of Saint Francisco, Mercatello sul Metauro, Italy) curated by Gilberto Grilli.

June 2017 “A poética da arte” MoMa galeria de arte, Recife, Brasil.

May 2017 “Escamotage 1.0” Amalfi Art, (Amalfi, Italy) curated by Loredana Finicelli.

April 2017 “Artists against the earthquake” (Massaprofoglio, Italy) curated by Loredana Finicelli.

Jenuary 2017 “From the land of the Mith” Callas Gallery (Bremen,Germany)

November 2016 “Retrospective Collective Exhibition” MoMa Art Gallery (Recife, Brazil) by Cesar Machado

August 2016 Outset03 (Petritoli, Italy).

July 2016 “Premio S’Anna” Art Ottica Gallery (Porto Potenza Picena, Italy). Curated by Loredana Finicelli.

June 2015 “Armonie pregresse” Art Ottica Gallery (Porto Potenza Picena, Italy). Curated by Loredana Finicelli.

December 2014 “FacèARTS” (Meran at Kurhaus, Italy). Curated by Mary Sperti in collaboration with Professor Nuccio Mula.

October 2014 “Biennale D’Arte Sergio Graziosi” curated by Mauro Giampieri in the presence of the critics and historians Stefano Papetti, Lucio del Gobbo, Antonio D’Amico and Loredana Finicelli.

July 2014 “Premio città di Montecosaro” (Montecosaro, Italy). Curated by Mauro Giampieri.

April 2014 “Venere Pietas e Beltà” (Centobuchi di Monteprandone, Italy). Curated by Nazareno Luciani.

April 2013 “Sintomi contemporanei” Ristorante Culturale l’Officina (Perugia, Italy). Curated by Andrea Baffoni and Nazareno Luciani.

February 2013 “Eros puro, amabile, dolce: I volti dell’amore 2013″ (Macerata, Italy).

July 2012 “Accesa” Monteprandone (Ascoli Piceno, Italy). Curated by Nazzareno Luciani.

November 2007 “Sesta Mostra Internazionale di Arte Sacra” (Sesto al Reghena, Italy). Curated by Enzo Santese.

April 2007 “Human Touch” D’Art Visual Gallery Menaggio (Como, Italy). Curated by Davide dell’Acqua.

August 2006 “Elekta Inside” Spinetoli (Ascoli Piceno, Italy). Curated by Cristina Petrelli.

June 2006 “Arte contemporanea 12” Liceo Scientifico Statale Majorana (Rome, Italy). Curated by Cristina Petrelli.

March 2006 “ Velluto Rosso” Chiaravalle (Ancona, Italy). Curated by Cristina Petrelli and Stefano Verri.

July 2005 “Stanze Aperte” Altidona (Ascoli Piceno, Italy). Curated by Nazzareno Luciani